Your business energy account will be in credit if you've paid us for more than the energy you've used.
You may have a credit balance on your business energy account if:
Before requesting a refund, check if the credit balance on your bill is based on an actual meter reading or estimated. If your bill is based on an estimated reading, the credit balance may not be right.
Take a look at the energy usage on your bill under 'Details of charges'. If it's estimated, you'll see the word 'Estimated' in green. Give us an up to date meter reading online and we'll update your account and bill.
If your supply is half-hourly metered you don't need to give us a reading as we receive these automatically through your meter.
You can submit your meter reading online or through your online energy account, where you can also set up helpful email reminders when your meter reading is due. You can also view current and previous bills and more. If you don't already have an online account, it's quick and easy to register – just have a bill to hand.
If your credit balance is based on an up to date meter reading (not estimated) you can request a refund. However, if there's an outstanding balance on any other energy accounts you hold with us, we'll use this credit to help pay what you owe.
If you're eligible for a refund, we'll make the payment through the same method you've been using to make payments to us within 10 working days.
Please note:
Contact us before you move with details of the new tenant, your new address and a final meter reading. Then we can send you an accurate final bill. If you're half-hourly metered, we'll obtain the consumption data from your meter and use this to send you an accurate final bill.
If you pay by Direct Debit, we'll take the final payment before closing your account. If you've already cancelled your Direct Debit, you'll need to make a final payment. The easiest way to do this is online by credit or debit card.
If your final bill is based on an accurate meter reading and shows a credit balance, we'll send any eligible refund to you automatically.
It you've switched to another energy supplier, they'll ask you for a meter reading on the date your supply starts with them. Your new supplier will then provide us with this meter reading and we'll use it to send you a final bill. If you're half-hourly metered, we'll obtain the consumption data from your meter and use this to send you an accurate final bill.
If your account is in debit when you receive your final fill, you'll need to make a final payment. The easiest way to do this is online by credit or debit card.
We issue credit notes to correct the value of a previous bill if:
When we issue a credit note, we also credit the VAT originally charged (either in full or in part) and adjust the amount of VAT declared to HMRC.
If you've already paid the original bill:
If you've switched energy supplier without providing a final meter reading, you may have left credit behind. You should get in touch with your old supplier as soon as possible to see if you can claim back any money you're owed. To help speed up the claim process, you may need to provide proof of your identity, the business address that you're claiming for including the postcode and if possible a previous bill and a final meter reading.
Smart meters are the clever way to measure your business energy use and get accurate bills.
No more estimated bills and no need to take manual meter readings either.
To find out why you should get a Smart meter, see smart meters for business.